Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Saving Birds

(Abridged letter to On the Bay, holiday edition 2008, by George K. Peck, Research Associate, Ornithology, Royal Ontario Museum)

The nesting bird colonies on Nottawasaga Island are of a far greater importance than saving a now obsolete, manmade Lighthouse.
There are more than a dozen nesting bird species on the island, of which seven are in colonies. Among the latter is our province’s largest and most northerly colony of Great Egrets, now increased to 135 nesting pairs, from its appearance on the island in 1985. This magnificent all-white heron and the other island nesting birds have been monitored and an annual census is done annually by the Canadian Wildlife Service and myself. The island has been posted to keep visitors away during the nesting season.
If it is necessary and financially possible to repair the damaged Lighthouse, I would strongly suggest the importance of making those repairs outside the birds’ nesting season (the beginning of April to the end of July). Any work done within that period would seriously jeopardize the bird colonies, which should be regarded as a precious part of our heritage.

1. Reading comprehension questions (for higher levels):
Who is the author of this letter? Which Bay does the magazine relate to? What article in a previous issue does the author respond to? What point does he make?
Why does Mr.Peck think that birds are more important?
Name some of the birds in Ontario. Which of them exist in your country?
What does the writer mean by “a precious part of our heritage”? Can you think of anything else as a Canadian heritage?
What do you know about bird watching / bird counting?
In your opinion, should engineers, builders, city developers and other experts consult with biologists? Why or why not?
[Learn more: Janine Buyens: Biomimicry, see our book list]

2. Check the meaning of these words: nesting birds, bird colony, bird watching, bird census, ornithology. Find more words related to the birds.

3. TRUE / FALSE (for lower lvels)
1. Nottawasaga Island is a home to many birds.
2. There is a lighthouse on the island.
3. The lighthouse is not in use.
4. All the birds on the island are egrets.
5. The Great Egret is a white heron.
6. There are more than 12 bird species on the island.
7. There are 270 Great Egrets on the island.
8. People can not come to the island.

Find the words in the text that give answers to these statements.

4. Match the words on the left with the explanation on the right:

Obsolete - not in use any more
Colony - group
Appearance - show up
Magnificent - beautiful
Census - counting population
Jeopardize - endanger
Annual - yearly
Precious - dear
Heritage - part of the culture
Monitor - watch

5. Use the words above in these sentences:

The lighthouse on Nottawasaga Island is ________.
__________ies of birds live on the island now.
The first ________________ of Great Egret on the island was in 1985.
That _____________ bird is a part of Canadian _____________.
The island is ______________ because many species of birds live there.
The birds have been ______________ed.
An ____________ ___________ is taken to count the birds on the island.
Building works on the island during the nesting season can ______________ the birds.

6. Divide the class in two teams: those who are in favour of repairing the lighthouse and those who oppose it. Debate it.

Write a letter back to Mr. Peck defending the lighthouse restoration.
Write a post that the Canadian Wildlife Service would put on the island. Write more posts for the places you know need protection.

Write a letter to a newspaper suggesting a repair of some site that you would like to protect.

Write a letter to the Canadian Wildlife Service offering your help as a volunteer. Mention at least three reasons why you would qualify.


1. Did you ever spend time on a treadmill or exercise bike and speculate about how all that energy could power more than your bike?

Could you imagine what else you could power while working out?
2. A new book by Tamara Dean, called The Human-Powered Home (New Society Publishers, 2008) is a compendium of household devices gathered from a unique collection of experts on human power.

What household devices use pedal-power? Could some others use it too?
3. Most of us are familiar with hand-cranked juicers and grain or coffee mills, treadle sewing machines and push lawn mowers (which are becoming popular again).
But what about a pedal-powered television or computer?

What do you think would be advantages and shortbacks of such devices? Would they be more or less expensive than the existing ones?

1. For this reading / discussion task students should fold the paper after each paragraph, without reading the next. Pairs discuss each question after the paragraph and report to the class.

2. Try to change the interrogative sentences in the text into affirmative so that the meaning is not changed.

3. Try to change all the questions in the text into statements without changing the message

Alternatives That Will Clean

Fill in: will clean, will remove, will take out or will make:

Salt _____ _______ wine or fruit stains.
Club soda _______ ______ lighter coloured stains.
Baking soda and cornstarch _______ _______ good deodorizers.
A paste of baking soda, salt and water ________ ________ your oven.
One part water to one part vinegar in a spray bottle _______ ________ most areas of your home.
Vinegar _____ ________ toilet bowl stains.

Learn more:
Green Clean: The Environmentally Sound Guide to Cleaning Your Home by Linda Mason Hunter, Mikki Halpin (Melcher Media,2005)
The Naturally Clean Home: 101 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers by Karyn Siegel-Maier (Storey Publishing,1999)
Clean and Green: The Complete Guide to Non-Toxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping by Annie Berthold-Bond (Ceres Press, 1994)
You Tube, search for Lindsay Coulter (demos how you can make your own candles, cleaning material etc.)

Source: Natural Life Magazine, January/February 2009